
Cute Mushroom Daisy Nail Art Design

Hi dolls

I got a few new detailing brushes from the craft store.Great Bargain: 5 brushes for 2 Euros.And the fine brushes are so great for nail art,because they are synthetic.
The background is normal nail polish and the grass,mushrooms and daisies are done with acrylic paints.
I dip my brush in rubbing alcohol instead of water.This makes the acrylic paint adhere to the nail polish surface better.
Here is the design:

It was a little time consuming,but thankfully acrylic paints dry ultra fast.
Now I shall add top sealer and be a couch-potato-chinchilla ......Good night dolls,have a fabulous day!

Black Gothic eye make up

Hi dolls,

There are days when you just wanna be left alone.On those days I choose an extra black eye make up,so random people don't talk to me.Like some tribes paint their faces to scare their enemies during a battle,I choose the same method.
Till now it worked :D

You can also see my sunburned temples and forehead.Yay for falling asleep in the sun with glasses on *lul*

Huggies and much loooove


10 things from the weekend

1.Good news: Major improvement in the whole 'fixing the house' problem.Some areas of the house actually look pretty again.My arms feel like I arm-wrestled with Popeye but it's a great pain,because soon everything is beautiful again.Staring at a ceiling where the paint is peeling off /creating huge cracks is not nice.I think I started to dislike crackle polish for that reason.
2.Getting a box of old t-shirts from the early 90's Nirvana era for free is awesome.The previous owner wanted to toss them *noooo noooooo! Are you nuts? *
3.Helped out a wild tortoise in need.The poor thing got stuck between two flower pots,but she didn't liked to be held,so she peed on me.Thanks a lot >_>
4.Muffin top chinchilla project is going great.Tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy (they have a scale there)
5.Was talking to a friend who is staying in Greece for holidays.She is from the U.S.A and I invited her for lunch.She told me that Tom is visiting too.I was like :" Ok no Problem"  The day she arrived she came alone and I asked :"Where is Tom,who is Tom?" She answered:" What are you talking about?? " And then she realized that the European chick doesn't know the meaning of T.o.m (Time of the month-menstruation)" I set up the table for tom and cooked a lot more X_X
6.Managed to sleep a whole afternoon today and I want to go back to bed asap.
7.Why do cats like boxes so much? ?
8.Found out that some polishes used on top of each other don't work and throw ugly bubbles.Used the essence fairytale polish with a beautyline cosmetics glitter polish and it immediately started to bubble up.
9.*Sigh* today I craved cola really badly,but I didn't touch it.What a tragic moment!
10.Much love to you readers and followers!!!!


No Bake Apple Pie

Hi dolls

This weekend we had workers here,so my usual Sunday-Pastry session had to be limited to 30 minutes.While looking for no bake recipes I came across this amazing recipe,which is sooo yummy:
The apple pie might not look as stunning and beautiful as a normal apple pie,but taste wise it is 20 times better,more adventurous than the average apple pie.

As usual I did not have all the ingredients,so I just skipped the raisins and added 100 gr of icing sugar to the crust and to the apple/pear mix,because I was afraid it wouldn't be sweet enough.
Thank god I added extra sugar !

What is your favorite no bake recipe?



Pink Grapefruit Matcha Breakfast Smoothie (Energy+Fitness )

Hi dolls!

It got really warm lately and it's sometimes impossible to drink a hot cup of tea.So I was looking for breakfast alternatives which led me to Matcha.Tried it in a strawberry smoothie and loved it.
And since I am trying to incorporate pink grapefruit into my diet,because it's good for the metabolism,I created a breakfast smoothie that contains everything I need in the morning.

You need:
1 ripe banana (peeled,sliced)
1 pink grapefruit (peeled and diced)
1 kiwi (peeled)
3/4 teaspoon Matcha powder
Strawberries (cleaned,green cut off) or cherries (remove stone)
a little bit of cold water (approx 70 ml)
11/2 teaspoon instant oats

Optional: Sugar,honey,fructose

Mix in the blender until smooth.
Enjoy :)


Lovie Eyeshadow ....My new favorite blushes

Hi dolls

I have raved a lot about Lovie Cosmetics,because their products are cheaper than essence products and they have such a great pigmentation.
And 1 Euro for an eyeshadow duo is not bad at all!
The pink duo eyeshadow is my go-to pink for dramatic eye-looks and as you can see,it has a huge dent already.It makes a great blush too,especially on those days when I wear only foundation+concealer+mascara.

I carried the peach-bronze duo in my purse for a while and I kind of ignored it until the day I had to do a formal make up with the few things I carry in my purse.
There was no blush in my purse,so I took the peach colored eyeshadow and used it as a blush.And that night everybody asked what blush I am wearing.
Back at home I finally had a proper mirror to check out the color.
Amazing blush color!!It gives you such a healthy,youthful flush of color without being overwhelming.
The bronzy color also works great as a blush and if you apply it with a very fluffy brush it doesn't pick up too much shimmer particles.

Is there any eyeshadow you use as a blush??Or am I the only weirdo who does that *Lol*
direct bright midday sun

in the shadow



Muffin top chinchilla

Hi dolls!

My little 'get in shape' project is really going well!
Today I walked 1.6 kilometers and made 50 sit ups.....Haven't done sit-ups for years.I was going for 100 but that was impossible given the fact that I just started.
There are also some additions to my diet-duties:
Write down all the foods I ate during the day,counting the calories.
This may sound a bit extreme,but it's also very interesting to see what we put in our mouth during the day without even  noticing.I came to the conclusion that my habits are not THAT bad,especially since I stopped to eat after 8:30.
The stuff I used to eat late at night was crazy calorie-wise.500-600 calories of chocolate and other devilish snacks.

There will also be a weekly weight in at the pharmacy,since there is no scale in my house.

I would also like to emphasize that I am not going to transform my body into a skin and bone structure.No! Never!

In my opinion there is nothing more pretty than a woman with an hourglass shaped figure.

Good night dolls!


Creamy Celery Pork (χοιρινό με σέλινο) my way

Hi dolls

One of my favorite 'Sunday/Celebration' dishes is a Greek dish with pork and lots of celery.
But this dish is rather a winter dish and sometimes it's a pain to eat it because you will need tons of toothpicks to battle the amount of celery in your teeth.Yup right! Eww!
I came up with my own spin on this dish to accompany my pasta.

You need:
3 pork schnitzel (cut into bite size chunks)
a good hand full of celery green (coarsely chopped)
the juice of 1/2 lemon
1 spring onion (finely chopped )
500 ml vegetable stock
pepper salt
150 ml heavy cream (lightly whisked )
1 tablespoon fresh dill (finely chopped)
1 tablespoon of parsley (finely chopped)
olive oil

2 portions of pasta(boiled)

Season your schnitzel with pepper and salt and quickly seal it in a hot pan with olive oil.Add the spring onion,lemon juice,vegetable stock and celery green.
Simmer for 10 min.
Now add parsley and dill.Simmer for 3 min
Add the heavy cream and season again.
Simmer again for 3 minutes and mix with your pasta!Serve!

Quick and delicious!

The original version of this recipe is nice,but the celery is slightly overwhelming and like I mentioned above: Toothpick alert!
I have to say that I prefer my version,because it has more layers of flavor and the heavy cream takes away that 'in your face' celery flavor.


And the winner is........TinnyMey

Hi dolls!

We have a winner!It took me quite some time to paste all the names in the fruit machine.

Congratulations TinnyMey

I will send you an email right now and you have 48 hours to send me your shipping info!



Give Away Reminder *tik tok tik tok tik tok 24 h left*

Dolls you have approximately 24 hours remaining to join my Thank You Give Away!!!!

Good Luck to all :)

DIY Brush cleaning soap PART 2

Hi dolls

In PART 1 you have learned how to make your own brush cleaning soap.Now I will show you how to use it.

This is the dried soap

And this is a very dirty blush brush

Rinse your brush with lukewarm water

Swirl it in the soap until the bristles are stiff and saturated with soap

Lather it up in the palm of your hand with a few drops of water

Swirl until the bristles are clean
Rinse with cold water,push out the water,swirl on a clean towel,dry upside down.
The brush is squeaky clean,the bristles are conditioned and there are no germs or bacteria.



Getting back in shape

Hi dolls,

I hate diets because I am a foodie.So all this no-carb-no-this-no-that stuff is not going to work for me.
But lately my eating habits were pretty bad: Late night chocolate munching,a lot of salted peanuts and tons of cookies.
And since the only scale in my house is a food scale,I didn't realize how much weight I put on.
5 kilos in a few weeks......
The first step was to cut cola and all his cousins.It's sooo full of sugar and other stuff that nobody needs.
Cutting this bad habit was a great decision,because it feels so great.The first days were difficult....of course,because cola has quite a bit of caffeine and the body gets used to it.
That was the first step.

Cardio-work out is step number 2.I can't go jogging due to a problem in my knees,but I can walk!
The mini-town I live in is perfect for walks.....3-4 times a week for 2 hours.And now that summer is here,the sea will be my best workout buddy.

Till now it's working great.
And today I started the hardest part....step number 3: Not eating after 8:30 pm.
This has worked well in the past.
If I eat a small salad or some fruit at 8:15 I am fine and won't be hungry till I go to bed.

And to support good health during this process,I will take grapeseed extract supplement and mix 200 ml of red grapefruit with 1,3 liters of water.
One bottle of this+ one (1.5 liter) bottle of plain water+all the tea that I consume

This 'method' worked well for me last year,because it's not too extreme.If I wouldn't have those munch-attacks at night,there would be no extra 5 kilos of muffin top.
And I drink the grapefruit water at night,so my taste buds have something to do,but I really like grapefruit so it could be much worse.

Let's see how much time will pass,until I am back to normal.
And no,it's not the end of the world if you gain weight.With any kind of extreme diet,I could loose them in a  few days,but the healthy and slow way is better.

But I am not a doctor! You should always consult a specialist before making drastic changes in your diet/nutrition.

Do you have any secrets for getting back in shape?

Huggies and Good Night

Alien Mask Make up

Hi dolls,

Playing with make up is fun! Although a few people might think I lost it,don't worry I am just playing.
FIY: I would never go out like this,because this is crazy even for my standards.


I will share the results of my "play with make up' sessions from now on,because it could be useful for halloween.

Cookingchinchillas,who looks like a human again


10 Things of today

1.Sometimes we let people walk all over us just to not cause any quarrels and fights.Bad decision.....I am guilty of this today and even 20 Swedish meatballs didn't make this situation any better.BUT as long as we learn from it,it's okay. The meatballs were great
2.Blogger is amazing.So many great blogs,people,inspirations and information!
3.There were ladies in front of the supermarket giving out gift vouchers for a free facial.Of course I signed up,but then at home I thought about a random lady rubbing my face with yogurt while talking endlessly.......Canceled the appointment!
4.Why do animals have such a good judgement of who to trust and who to avoid? From now on people will have to be pet-approved if they want to set foot in here.And now my chinchilla will give me the "told you so!" stare the whole night......
5.Did you know that when you eat really really hot chili peppers that you can't use your vocal chords for a moment? I think sitting in a pit full of ants is more pleasant than this frigging chili I tried.Yeah.....very smart move.
6.I didn't consume any cheerios in the last 10 years and today I got a little sample size....No milk .....it felt like eating dry cat food. X_X
7.Sleeping early once again failed due to thought-overload.I shall listen to some relaxing music on youtube,drink a relaxing chai and try again.
8.Tomorrow will be a very hard day.But I am ready:I have chocolate,death metal and a jar of nutella.So I am prepared for all the possible scenarios.
9.Why is it so hard to find chives in Greece?
10.The response to the give away is amazing,it is so much fun to check on google docs.

Gosh Flakie Nail Laquer 546 Rainbow

Hi dolls,

I know I had previously shown this polish but back then I just used it over an existing manicure.
So here is the polish with a black base.
It took me 35 failed photos to show off the effect.
This is the only polish I wear without nail art.



Pizza with tuna

Hi dolls

I love Pizza! But the take out pizza in my opinion is too heavy,too cheesy, and too greasy.
And since the invention of dry active yeast making a pizza dough is really easy..

You need for the dough:
2 teaspoons dry active yeast
500 gr flour (or 200 gr flour 300 gr whole grain flour)
300-400 ml lukewarm water
1 tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

For the tomato sauce :
4 tomatoes or 20 cherry tomatoes (remove seeds,dice finely)
1 clove of garlic (minced)
a few basil leaves (finely chopped)
1 shallot (finely chopped)
1 teaspoon tomato puree (the one in the squeeze tube)
pepper salt olive oil
(Optional : Oregano,Thyme,Rosemary)

Cheese (200 gr of mozzarella or any other cheese u like)
sliced tomatoes
1 spring onion (sliced)
1 can of tuna in water (not oil)
any other ingredient you like on top of your pizza !!!

In a large bowl mix together 100 ml of lukewarm water with the sugar and yeast.Add a tiny bit of flour and beat the mixture.Slowly add more water and flour until you have a sticky, pasty dough,but don't use all your flour yet.
Add the salt,vinegar and olive oil.Now keep adding flour until you get a soft,kneadable dough that doesn't stick to your hands.
Cover the bowl with a clean towel and let it rise in a warm place for 1 hour.

The tomato sauce :
In a small saucepan saute the shallot  in  1 tablespoon olive oil until translucent,then add the garlic and tomatoes.Season with salt/pepper then add the tomato puree.Simmer for 5 minutes
Now add the basil leaves and if you like add more herbs.

 Now roll out the dough the way you want,just don't make it too thick,because it will rise more in the oven.
Softly pierce the surface of the rolled out dough with a fork,this will prevent the pizza from rising unevenly during the baking process.
Add the tomato sauce and your toppings(cheese tomatoes tuna spring onions seasoning)
Bake at 200 degree celsius until the crust is golden.

The dough makes about 4 pizzas if you make them round like mine,but it also fits on an entire baking tray.

What is your favorite Pizza ?

Essence Better than Gel nails Top Sealer Review

Hi dolls!

Essence really managed to wow me with their new products.From all the new stuff I have tried,there wasn't any bad or average product.One of my readers was nice enough to send me the better than Gel Nails Top Sealer which is really hyped by German Guru's and Bloggers.
So thanks a lot Bine <3 <3 <3 Hope the cookies arrived save

Packaging: The top coat comes in a neat black bottle with a black cap and I just noticed that the bottle has cute little shimmers everywhere.0.34 fl oz/10 ml of product which is a lot

The Product: Oh wonder oh wonder the top coat is clear,quite runny,very smelly,but amazingly fast drying.

What it promises: "Fast drying top sealer for perfectly looking gel-like nails."

My 2 cents: I purchased 5 bottles,do I need to say more??The first time I used this, I noticed that it dried 3 layers of nail polish and nail art in such a short time.It kind of is a protective layer at first,so you can happily do stuff instead of waving and blowing on your hands.It also flattens the surface of the nail polish/nail art which is amazing.
But the highlight is the duration: 1 week with no chipping.Hard labor,chores and garden work....still no chipping.If m,y manicure wouldn't have grown out (huge gap at the bottom),I would still have perfectly manicured nails.Seche Vite, the holy grail of top coats is just another expensive luxury item compared to the essence better than gel nails top sealer.

Pro :
-Dries all layers of nail polish in such a quick time
-the best duration I have ever seen
-high shine
-surface smoothing
-Price (3.49 Euros)
-great brush

-Bottle is not clear,so you can't see how much you have used

Holy grail! I stocked up on this stuff because it's amazing.I will not even bother looking at other top coats now.


10 things

1.Lesson of the day: Never wear free hotel slippers while hosing down the chairs on the balcony..........Ouch!
2.Highlight of the day: The essence better than gel nails top coat.OMG !
3.Bummer of the day : No end of days,No doomsday,No Apocalypse........I made cookies just to be prepared for the end of days,but once again [Fail] [Uberfail] ----> They were wrong. Pffff !  (Just kidding)
4.Laugh of the day : Tourists ! A poor group of tourists trying to cross a large high traffic Greek road....First they look for a pedestrians crossing light and walk about a half mile until they realize there is none.
5.Inspiration of the day : Jamie Oliver's food revolution.
6.DIY saying of the day : " Anger is a great excuse to clean the windows"
7.Rant of the day: People who invite themselves for dinner should all go to hell (Mc Donalds =Hell)
8.Awww of the day : Random Kitty Peeking through the window with beautiful eyes <3
9.Song of the day: Viva la fete - Noir desir 
10.Quote of the day: C'est en faisant n'importe quoi qu'on devient n'importe qui (It's by doing whatever that one becomes whoever) -Remi Gaillard-


DIY Brush cleaning soap PART 1

Hi dolls

I had the chance to see how a brush cleaning soap works and I was amazed.It was the Kosmetik Kosmo Pinsel Phoenix. (Kosmetik Kosmo is a German brand created by a German Youtube Guru).It really cleaned,conditioned and revived the brushes.When I wanted to order a soap for myself ,sadly the price scared me a bit.8,99 for soap? Naaah!
And because I am a DIY girl I came up with my version.
The prototype successfully passed the test.I first made a tiny batch,because wasting product is not cool

  you need:

180 gr of glycerine soap (can be scented,just take the cheapest!)
1 tablespoon of any hair conditioner
2 drops of dish soap
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon antiseptic/hand sanitizer
a jar/plastic container with an airtight lid (I used the jar of a hair mask which has a screw lid)

Take a cheese grater and finely shave the soap.Mix the soap shavings with the rest of the ingredients in a mixing bowl and knead (latex gloves ftw)
Put into your jar/container and press firmly.

Dry with an open lid for 3-5 days.

It should look like this,once you are done with  kneading and filling it in the jar

It is really worth the wait.Not only did you save a lot of money , you also have no more excuse not to clean your brushes!!!
The soap costs 69 cents and the rest of the ingredients cost maybe another 30-40 cents.

Part 2 will follow in a few days,once my soap is cured.I will also show you how to use it.

 Huggies <3

Guest Post 3 :Vinegarette-Honey Salad dressing

Vinegarette-Honey Salad Dressing

As a late-night-eater, I get really weird cravings at weird times. So I've come up with a dozen ways to use this recipe to settle my stomach. It's really simple and easy, as well as personalised (i've ne ver made two exactly the same), and well worth it!


Left to right:
Your favourite honey
Balsamic vinegar
Extra virgin olive oil
Pepper (black or white, pictured is white because it's in an easier container)
Whole grain mustard

and, not pictured, an empty jar.

Roughly measure out half and half of oil and vinegar into your jar (however much you want, but don't fill it up too much). This is just a starting point, you'll adjust it while making it. Put the lid back on the jar (we use an old pasta sauce jar) and give it a good shake. Taste it. I myself like it particularly vinegary. Add oil or vinegar depending on taste, along with salt and pepper.

Take the wholegrain mustard and put a big ol' blob into the mixing pot. I like lots and lots of this stuff (i eat it out of the jar, I admit it), but everyone else seems to think I'm insane. What? The burning on your lips means it's good!

Keep tasting til it's right to you. Then take the honey and put a tiny little blob - about a heaped teaspoon should do - into the jar. Screw the lid on TIGHT and shake it really hard. Then taste it, and adjust until just right.

It should look something like this:

I use this for everything. Just before writing this, I had mustard on toast with this dressing. It was amazing. Another good thing is a four-leaf salad with just this as a dressing, or - my favourite - avacado and sheep's milk feta cheese!

You'll be surprised what it goes with.


Green Red Peach Gothic Eye Make up

Hi dolls,

Today's look is rather an experiment.I tried a new eyeliner for the eyeliner art which didn't turn out as black as I wanted it to be.But the look is still kind of pretty.
Lately I am into peach colors,don't know why but I love them.

So here is the look :

Have a great Saturday and don't forget to join my huge give-away!

Huggies <3



Easy flower Nail Art Design

Hi dolls

First of all :"Wow!" I wasn't expecting that soo many people participate in the give away.I was refreshing the google doc page over and over and couldn't believe my eyes.This really made my day!
Thank you so much for participating!

Yesterday's manicure was something quick and easy.
The golden Lovie Nail polish has become my new favorite because it is so pigmented,long lasting,quick drying and fabulous.

The design consists of squiggly lines and a few dots,that's all.It took me like 10 minutes.



Thank You Give Away [CLOSED]

Hi dollies!

Since you are all amazing readers and followers,I wanted to do a give away as a way of saying thank you.
The prices are:
-The Body Shop Sweet Lemon Body Butter
-Priorities Coconut Foam Bath
-Lovie Lipstick No 26
-Lovie Eyeshadow Highlighter No 134
-BeautyLineCosmetics Compact Powder No 006
-Essence Eyeshadow Quad No 05 Aqua Flash
-Essence Sunclub Waterproof Eyeliner No 01 Dark Water
-Hello Kitty Rhinestone Necklace
-10 Great Samples (Palmolive,Dr.Caspari,Vichy,Le Petit Marseillais,Korres)

The Rules are :
+ You must be a public follower
+ Fill in the form below
+ You must be at least 18 or have a permission of your parents to give out your address
+ The Give away will end May 27 th
+ Only one winner will be chosen with the help of a randomizing tool
+ The winner has 48 hours to send me the shipping information,otherwise I will draw a new winner
+ You can get more entries by twittering about this give away or by posting this give away (You may  use the picture!!!!!!!!)
+ The give away is open INTERNATIONALLY 

The Give away is closed now.I will announce the winner later today!

Good Luck to all :)



Ladybug Nail Art

Hi dolls

So it was Natalie's idea to do Ladybug-nail art and of course I loved the idea,because ladybugs are so darn cute.

Here is the design :) Hi Naaat!

Tomorrow I will start the give away *Yuuuupie!*

Huggies and lots of Love

Double baked Panettone or biscotti

Hi dolls!

Summer is officially here!
So I thought I create something light for breakfast.A few days ago I came across a recipe for double baked cake which was really great,but most of the ingredients were either not available or too expensive.
It was a yeast cake,so I thought about turning the panettone into a double baked/Zwieback/ biscotti  and it worked.
Panettone Recipe 
I added:
160 gr whole Hazelnuts
180 gr Pistachios
And after baking this cake,I let it cool,sliced it and baked it again for 20 minutes at 180 degree Celsius while turning the slices around every 5 min.

It turned out soooo nice and yummy!



Ikea Haul

Hi dolls!

So it was time to buy 2 new non stick pans,because my old ones had a lot of scratches.
With non stick pans there is always one big problem : No matter how much they cost,after 1-2 years they need to be replaced.My 'expensive' non stick pan lasted 1 year and a few months and the non stick stuff started to peel off.13 Euro for a pan that you have to replace anyway sooner or later.
Last year I bought my first Ikea non stick pan,which amazed me! 2,50 Euro and it lasted and lasted.
If I hadn't tried to scape off some caramel from the bottom with a spatula,it would still be scratch free.The caramel had already started to become hard,so it left quite a few scratches.

So today I bought two new pans and a knife set.(3,95 Euros)
The knife set is very good to my surprise.Of course you can't compare it to my chef's knife which was 25 Euros,but for precision chopping and ultra thin slicing the new knifes are just perfect.

I loove Ikea! Just walking around there is such a nice thing.

Huggies and happy chopping


Tip of the day: No more shaving foam

Shaving foam for women can be a very expensive business ,given the fact that women need quite a lot of it.Of course you can always use shower gel,but I have found something a lot cheaper,which works really great:
A good old bar of soap! Splash your legs with water and simply rub the bar on your legs until the soap has turned into a thick,lathery foam.


Peach and Black Gothic Eye Make Up

Hi dolls

A friend gave me this sample jar of a peach colored pigment because she hated the color.I  actually like it very much,because it has a golden shimmer to it and it has some coral-ish undertone.Lately I am quite in love with a darkened crease with a little smokey effect going on.
I also started to wear the eyeliner art on one side only,because the big designs can be really overpowering.
Here is the look:


Peach Loquat Smoothie

Hi dolls!

Finding the answer to the question :" What is a perfect smoothie" is difficult and the answer will vary depending on who you ask.
For me personally a perfect smoothie is fruity,free of added sugar and you don't wanna stop drinking it.Since it is difficult to do a sugar free smoothie without having a slightly sour aftertaste I tried to use naturally sweet,ripe fruit.
You need:
2 very ripe peaches (the peaches should be soft and juicy)
5 strawberries
2 loquats or apricots
1 very ripe banana
the juice of 2 oranges
Peel and dice the peaches/loquats  ,clean the strawberries,cut up the banana.
Put everything in a blender and blend until smooth.

That was easy wasn't it?

Huggies <3
Have a peachy saturday lovies!

Cookingchinchillas *slurping on a smoothie*

What is your favorite smoothie?

Tea Tip: Lipton Clear Green Orient

Hi dolls

I am constantly trying new teas,because I like to have variety.With the lipton clear green Orient tea I was really skeptical,simply because the previous clear green (citrus) I had, tasted very soapy although it smelled gorgeous.
But when I read the ingredients (star anise,cinnamon,licorice ),my worries were blown away.
How bad can a tea with my favorite spices taste?
The first cup was amazing! You can really tell,that there is anise in it.
It's a quite summery tea,because it has this nice cooling sensation and it makes a great ice tea.

Conclusion: Great summer tea!

FTC: I purchased the tea with my own money,I wasn't payed to mention the product nor was my opinion altered.Not affiliated with lipton.


Grey Black Dramatic Gothic Eye Make Up

Hi dolls,

*Yaaay* Blogger is back to life! Awesome job!

Today was one of those days where I couldn't decide the what colors to pick....and since my favorite colors are greys and blacks,(which technically aren't colors),I went with something safe and polished.
I really focused on blending,so only the lines made with the eyeliner stand out.
The eyeliner art for today is really nothing special.Just wanted to make sure the look was Goth enough :D

Have a great weekend!

10 things

1.Discovered a new green tea with a great oriental flavor....I will post a little tea-view-review .

2.Got more stuff for the give away I am planning :D

3.Why do pets like to walk over their owner's face,while Mrs.Owner is taking a power nap?

4.Be careful when you shake a woman's hand with crazy long,pointy stiletto nails. Ouch! Her nail artist should be a weapon dealer.

5.Chocolate abstinence has officially driven me mad.....In the supermarket I was sooo sad and I felt the little M&M's calling my name.*Sigh* (Nope,not on a diet....it's health related)

6.I demand shaker balls in every nail polish!!!

7.Have you ever seen a person that reminds you of an animal? I really had to control myself not to laugh,but that woman looked like a eared seal.....with a wig

8.Why in the world is the top twitter 'who to follow' suggestion always Charly Sheen? Whyyy? I tried to pretend he does not exist all that time.Thanks for reminding me twitter,really thanks!

9.Took a real bubble bath with the apivita bath and shower gel.It was really niceeeeee,I also added some soy milk to the water.

10.Highlight of the day: Finding out that your childhood star re-made a very beloved song with one of your current favorite artists.


Guest post 2: So it's Summer- Protips from an Australian Goth


A lot of goths have trouble staying cool. And this makes sense. PVC coats and corsets and boots aren't exactly sunshine-friendly. A lot of goths try to stick to their cold weather gear all year around. It's not going to work.

It gets ridiculous levels of hot here in Australia. When I went to school in Northern NSW (that's the state everything interesting is in, if you're wondering), it got to 119F (which, if you're with the civilised world, is pretty much fifty degrees) and a bajillion percent humidity. It also didn't help that the school was on a flood plain and we had no covered walkways (we had a creek, though, and there were many a day when most of my class MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED and came back dripping wet). I'm talking heat that makes your hair colour run.

And mine did. I'm not joking. I ran purple and pink. That's the secret reason I'm blonde now.

Aside from that, I have some kind of issue regulating temperature. In layman's terms, when I get hot, I pass out. If I don't cool down, I run the risk of brain damage and seizures.

So I've had to work out how to stay cool - and yeah, it takes a lot of compromise and ridiculous amounts of common sense.

1: Take off the stockings and swap for fishnets. It's a simple task, but a lesson hard-learned. I have a pair of super-cute fishnets with lace and a big red bow on top. Thin, long stocks are great too - I have a great many pairs of stripey knee-high and over-the-knee socks that serve me well.

2: Buy or make some lightweight skirts. Tutus, for example, are great for summer, and easy to make. Long, but breathable, skirts are a great thing. Shirts are easier to come by, and here in Australia, we have the great help that is JayJays, and their amazing-for-summer singlet tops.

3: I'm just going to say it. Buy some cute swimmers. I myself own two bikinis - one is black and white and spots and frills, and the other one is a Gir bikini. Yeah, I have an Invader Zim bikini, and it's the only thing green I can find. I know, swimming isn't "goth as", but it's fun, and you know it. Just remember to look after your skin and make sure to keep moisturised.

4: Parasols! That's all that needs to be said.

Source : http://www.mame.com.au/images/classic-lace-parasol.jpg     *Jealous*

5: Relating to an earlier point, skincare. that means lots of sun cream, high-quality moisturiser, and, if you can get your paws on it, facial anti-perspirant. Although  you're going to have to tone-down the makeup as well, that stuff helps so much.

6: Anyone here who follows my blog knows I am a giant hippie. If you're as daring in your gothicness as I am, try not wearing shoes. I know. I know, it's crazy. "But Kitty!" You say in a caricaturely high voice. "The roads are hot!" Yeah. Yeah, they are. But after one or two ventures, you work up a callous. Not wearing shoes, and a pair of shorts and a nice jacketdress have been the staple of many a summer for me.

although grey, I assure you this was a hot day.

7: Colours won't hurt you. I know, I know. Black is a goth staple. Blah blah blah. BUT black is dreadfully hot. And in the Victorian era, pastel colours were very popular in dresses!

8: Sunglasses. You need to protect your eyes as much as your skin. I own a pair of sunnies I call my "Lady GaGa Glasses" because they are enormous and with my blonde hair, I just look like her.


not pictured: blonde hair

9: So far, this has all been boring, common sense. I know. But here's one you didn't expect: buy a bonnet. Yeah, weird, huh? Any of my followers would know that I have quite a few of south baptist/anglican/mennonite friends who wear hair coverings every day, including a bonnet. They're far better as an anti-sun garment than I thought, and they're sold by Covered for Him [ http://www.covered4him.com ], as well as The Gentleman's Emporium [ http://www.thegentlemansemporium.com ] if you're uncomfortable buying from religious people. The Gentleman's Emporium also sells super-cute Edwardian swimsuits!

10: The commonest of common sense here: stay inside. Summer nights are a lovely temperature of not-hot and not-cold, and can be dressed up, but during the day, if you don't want to compromise, perhaps it's best you stay home, rather than risk heat stroke.

11: Bathe. Most people bathe every day, and you shouldn't (wrecks havoc on your skin to scrub off the outer layer so often), but in the heat, it's important, not just for hygeine, but for skincare, to keep yourself cool and your skin not dry. Summer is a great opportunity for cold showers, which are great for your skin.

Compromise, really, is the key. I lived in a mostly-hippie area and this gives a great appreciation to Indian cottons and hemp. One more tip, just in secret - try the hippie shops for skirts. I used to have (where did it go? 8c ) a great, big, black, swishy long skirt, first skirt I owned since I was two, from the Australian hippie shop, Tree of Life. It was made of Indian cloth and was very lightweight and breezy. Honestly, the best thing I ever did heat-wise was shop with the hippies, and I can't stress how great it is.

Stay cool, Goths, and stay awesome.


Essence Stay all day 16 h concealer review

On the right bottom you can see the illuminating pigments,just enlarge the picture by clicking on it.

Hi dollies

Essence really turned it up a notch with their new products.The previous concealers from essence were good,but nothing too special.
The stay natural concealer was okay and worth it's money and the essence forget it concealer was great for color correction,but it had a slight tendency to slip and slide after a few hours.
I am a concealer lover,because I don't always use foundation,so with a concealer I can cover up the flaws and go out and about.Of course I had to try the stay all day 16 h concealer,which I almost didn't see because it was under the sun club products in the stand.There were two shades available and I went with number 10 natural beige because the other color was too yellow for my skin tone.

Packaging: The essence stay all day comes in a clear plastic tube with a silver cap and silver prints,there is 0.23 fl oz / 7 ml of product.And the product comes with a doe foot wand.

The product: This concealer has a very creamy and soft texture,which melts into the skin and sets to a beautiful silky touch consistency.It is not drying and doesn't settle in fine lines/expression lines like I have under my eyes.
I couldn't notice any significant scent or aroma.

What it promises: "long-lasting,cream-fluid concealer covers under eye shadows and skin imperfections.With light reflecting pigments for a naturally radiant complexion"

My 2 cents: I am soo beyond happy with this product and I really tested it,because at first I was expecting an average concealer that will settle into my fine lines,no matter how much HD powder,setting powder and setting spray I use.
But this essence concealer can finally keep up with high end brands and I feel it is kind of a touche eclat dupe.
Well 'eclat' /illuminating /highlighting concealers are big now anyway,which is a good thing.
I have tried to apply it with a concealer brush,because I am not a big fan of using the wand on my skin and it works soooo well: Buildable coverage which can be medium to full.
For 2 layers I highly recommend a good finely milled setting powder.
Even applied with the fingertips is great and probably quicker,but I am a sanitary freak,so yay concealer brush.
For one coat only you don't need a setting powder if your skin isn't oily and it will really last 16 hours.
With a good setting powder it can last for up to 22 hours (aka the busiest day of my life)

And mixed with a bit of the farmasi concealer,which has a pink-ish/salmon undertone ,this product makes the skin look flawless thanks to the illuminating pigments which you can see right next to the swatch picture.

-great coverage
-easy application
-not drying
-great texture that melts into the skin
-keeps it's promises of being long-lasting

-Packaging : Not very sanitary,and towards the end it will be easy to get to product left-overs.

Conclusion: I definitely recommend this product to everybody.This product can easily be compared to some high end concealers.I will repurchase and probably commit suicide once the product leaves the range.



Guest Post 1 : Natalie's Beauty Land Oriflame Click it- review

Hi everyone!
I'm Natalie from Natalie's BeautyLand and I'm here to add some pink in this goth blog! lol, just kidding! I wouldn't want to give a heart attack to my dear friend!

I'm going to review the Oriflame Very me Click it products. The products I have today are:
-eyeliner in grey, brown, blue (also available in black and green)
-mascara in black (also available in green)
-concealer in pink (also available in gold)
-lip stain in raspberry, red
-lipgloss in neon pink (available in 4 more colors)


They come in clear plastic tubes that contain 3.5ml(0.1 fl.oz) of product. You can see the details of packaging by clicking the photo.
2 of the products and the connector are about 12.5cm long which means they can fit in your tiny purse, your makeup bag or even your pencil case! They are great for touch ups during the day!
The lip stain, lipgloss and concealer come with a doe foot applicator, the mascara with a regular mascara wand and the eyeliner with a tiny brush.

The actual product
Eyeliner: the blue one is the only metallic color and my personal favorite. With 1-2 strokes the color is opaque. Longlasting but you can remove them with regular eye make up remover.

Mascara: the wand is not too big, the formula is a little watery which I like because it doesn't clump. Longlasting and smugdeproof, not waterproof. For me this is an average mascara as it doesn't give much volume or length and it doesn't curl the eylashes.

Concealer: the pink is not actually pink, it's more a salmon color which is perfect to correct the dark circles. The formula is watery so make sure to not drag the product away with your finger. It doesn't last long but it doesn't look caky at all so you can re-apply during the day.

Lipstain: make sure that your lips are not dry and not oily (from lipbalms) before you apply them. Apply 2-3 thin coats and let each one to dry to achieve the perfect color. They are longlasting, eat/drink/kiss-proof but not sticky at all. They smell and taste nice too! Of course, you can apply lipgloss on top for shine.

Lipgloss: just a regular lipgloss, the color is pretty (pink with purple shimmer) and it smells nice!


Where can you find them/Cost
You can buy the products from any Oriflame consultant.
They are very affordable, they usually cost less than 4 euros each and if you buy 2 products you get the connector for free.

I absolutely love the lip stains and for this price? Go get them!
The blue eyeliner is pretty, the other colors are ok.
Concealer is also a nice color and formula, I just wish it lasted longer.
I'd skip the other products or buy them just for my purse for touch ups.

This is my honest personal opinion. I hope you'll find it interesting and helpful. :)
Take care, have fun!
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