
Essence will change their product range....

Hi dolls

Essence changes their product range and I am both happy and sad.
Sad,because my Holy grail the waterproof liquid eyeliner will leave the assortment.But thankfully I live in Greece which means,that the new products will not arrive that soon and old products will still be available.Hamstering is the keyword,because the new eyeliner won't have a brush tip.
But the rest of the products will be very funnnnnnnnnnnnn

What do you think?



  1. I wanted so badly to try this eyeliner! I was about to buy it. I hope to find it! I guess they will improve their quality even more with the new line!

    Kisses :)

  2. Anastasia - just know that when it says "waterproof", it really means "you can go diving and it won't come off".

  3. I bought this eyeliner just a few hours ago,because I thought it is BLUE...and then I opened it and I was like: o__O Evinde fail. Same trap again, I picked up a blue packaged mascara a few months ago(ofc it was waterproof again) because I thought it was blue..again..fail big time.Anyway,I kinda like it,this is my first waterproof liner.I also bought the black mania one,but it smudges off too fast. T_T I like felt tip liners better tho,like the Eyeko or Dolly Wink one.

  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :''' I hope not many products dissapear :'(
    But mmm... They'll have translucent powder! O_O omg.. I NEED it! and that brush and the extreme mascara and all! But look, they'll have another liquid eyeliner.. it's something xD
    Ahhhh I want it all!!!

  5. I use this eyeliner and I think it's great!

  6. Anonymous13:55

    I haven't tried these but if you do like them so much buy as many as you can before they leave the product range? I did the same with "Iron Mermaiden" nailpolish by Catrice, they will remoe it from their range and I bougth 3 bottles at -50%. It's nailpolish that has the color of an oil spoil. <3


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