
Brezeln with bacon and onion


Today's motto is : " O'zapft is!" Yes we are having a mini Oktoberfest here at my house.
Sausages,Beer and of course Brezeln.I refuse to call them soft Pretzels sorry,I just can't do that.
Plain Brezeln are cool,no question,but I wanted to try out to add bacon and onion dice to the dough.

YUM! They are perfect.
Simply follow the recipe HERE
Add 1 finely diced onion and 5 strips of diced bacon to the  dough.

I am gonna serve these babies with some a bowl of cream cheese.YUM


(Let's see if I will be able to post the tip of the day =haha=.Maybe it will be the "tipsy" of the day..
No I rarely drink and that's why 2 glasses of beer go a long way *LOL*)


  1. Anonymous17:44

    WHy do you have a problem with the word pretzel it is perfect english.Or is it a European thing?

  2. No it is not a European thing.I grew up calling them Brezel(n) and I simply refuse the use of the word Pretzel,because I don't like it.


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