
Lovie Lipstick Swatches + Viva Glam Gaga 2 lipstick dupe

Hi dolls

Today was such a huge Fail.*LOL* Nearly everything went wrong,but when I came home I had a gift waiting for me on my desk.Two beautiful Lovie Lipsticks from my partner.Awwwwww <3
It's quite sweet because he knew I dropped the whole lipstick-box and quite a few ones either broke off or the cheap plastic shattered and ruined the lipstick.
The ones that I could save are now depotted and ready to be used again.

The colors are: No.28 and No.3  
Number 28 is a beautiful shimmery berry-fuchsia tone with great lasting power and opaqueness.Thank god the shimmer is very fine and doesn't settle into the fine lines.

Number 3 is a great dupe for Viva Glam Gaga 2 Lipstick.The only difference is that the lovie lipstick has a more glossy finish. I love this color.

The swatches were done after removing my make up,so don't bother if the application is a little messy.

Partners can be sooo awesome ! <3

Does your boo ever get you make up?



  1. How nice of him! That is so sweet! Love Number 28! Very pretty! And no, my husband doesn't ever get me makeup. He would probably just give me permission to go on a shopping binge! :)

  2. I like #3 a lot. Very pretty!

  3. That is such a sweet gesture on his part. I, with the power vested in me by the state of blogger, agree to this man being the father of the chinchilla. :P
    I love the second one!

  4. I love number 28! Nude isn't my color:)

  5. Those are extremely pretty, never heard of this brand before though. :)

  6. Lovie is a Greek brand with cheap make up.
    Thanks for stopping by dolls


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