
Japanese Black& White Cheesecake with Coconut

Hi dolls

Yesterday we had visitors and I wanted to make a cake to welcome them
I baked a Japanese Cheesecake with a little twist.
You can find the basic Japanese Cheesecake recipe Here
That's a great recipe,but I made some changes :
Instead of cream cheese I used 2% fat Greek Yogurt  and added 150 gr of coconut shavings to the batter.
To make it look a little more exciting I split the batter in half and added 4 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder to one of the two batches.I simply added black batter and white batter randomly to the pan.Because the cake was supposed to be finger food,I baked the cake inside a bundt cake pan.
For the icing I used 15 Kinder Riegel Bars,10 of them were melted and spread on top of the cake and the rest 5 were coarsely  chopped and sprinkled on top for a fun black and white pattern.
But you can use any chocolate filled with a solid milky cream inside.

The cake was great and the three pieces on the picture are the last ones sadly :D
Well it's smart to bake when visitors come,because the more cake they eat,the less temptations await me in my fridge.



  1. It looks yummy!!!! I have to try this!! My kids will love it!! Thanks for the recipe!! :)


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