
Coconut Ice cream with Nutella swirl

Left: Coconut Nutella Right: Chocolate Nutella

Hi dolls

This hot weather screams for ice cream!! The following recipe doesn't require a ice cream machine,so everybody can enjoy home made deliciousness.

The base recipe can be used for any flavor you desire :)
You need :
300 ml vegetable based whipping cream

1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
100-200 gr of icing sugar (depending how sweet you like it)
a dash of salt

(The above ingredients are for the ice cream base)
5 tablespoons of Nutella
150 gr coconut shavings (the tiny ones)
50 ml water

30 minutes before you start soak the coconut shavings in water and place in the freezer.
Then you whip the cream and salt with an electrical mixer until you get a very soft peak texture.Add the sugar and vanilla while mixing until you get stiff peaks.Don't forget to taste inbetween.I used 150 gr of sugar and it was sweet.
Now mix in the soaked coconuts and the water and beat on high speed for 5  minutes.
Set aside and melt the nutella in the microwave on medium heat for 5-10 seconds (until it's runny)
Get an airtight plastic container with lid and pour the whipped mixture inside,drizzle the nutella over it randomly and slooowly stir in the nutella until you create cute swirls.
Freeze overnight and enjoy.

To make a second batch of ice cream with chocolate flavor you can simply add :
100 ml of water
5-7 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
Bring the water to a boil,add cocoa powder while whisking and chill it in the fridge until cold.
Add that instead of the coconuts.



  1. Did you have to! :) Now I want ice cream! Looks yummy!

  2. Haha hun <3 Yes I had to :P

  3. I don't like coconut so I'll choose the Chocolate Nutella flavor. :D


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