
A dream can come true

Hi dolls,

Some people dream of having a Ferrari,others dream about fame.
My dream was always to have my own sunbed.
Being a German Girl who lives in Greece it still feels like being on vacation sometimes. when I walk out on the balcony.
And coming here as a tourist when I was little,I've learned one thing: Renting a sunbed and an umbrella at a hotel-beach is really expensive.
Yesterday I got this cool gift.
Beyond cool actually because it just looks like the hotel sun beds.
Now guess what I have been doing all day???? Right,chillaxing on the sunbed.

Sooooo Happy

What is your 'little dream'???



  1. Sweet! Thats awesome!

  2. Oh, perfect! If my dream ever come true, you can bring your dream and join me! Yeah, I want a pool. I know it's impossible, especially now, but I love pools.

  3. OHHHH that's awesome!!! I want a sunbed,too!!! I've been asking my dad for one, so I can get some sun while I'm at the house, too!!

  4. @Peach thxxx
    @Nail crazy : Thank you
    @Natalie: We should talk about that in a few years
    @Denise's Dad : Please get Denise a sunbed


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