
10 things from the weekend

1.Good news: Major improvement in the whole 'fixing the house' problem.Some areas of the house actually look pretty again.My arms feel like I arm-wrestled with Popeye but it's a great pain,because soon everything is beautiful again.Staring at a ceiling where the paint is peeling off /creating huge cracks is not nice.I think I started to dislike crackle polish for that reason.
2.Getting a box of old t-shirts from the early 90's Nirvana era for free is awesome.The previous owner wanted to toss them *noooo noooooo! Are you nuts? *
3.Helped out a wild tortoise in need.The poor thing got stuck between two flower pots,but she didn't liked to be held,so she peed on me.Thanks a lot >_>
4.Muffin top chinchilla project is going great.Tomorrow I will go to the pharmacy (they have a scale there)
5.Was talking to a friend who is staying in Greece for holidays.She is from the U.S.A and I invited her for lunch.She told me that Tom is visiting too.I was like :" Ok no Problem"  The day she arrived she came alone and I asked :"Where is Tom,who is Tom?" She answered:" What are you talking about?? " And then she realized that the European chick doesn't know the meaning of T.o.m (Time of the month-menstruation)" I set up the table for tom and cooked a lot more X_X
6.Managed to sleep a whole afternoon today and I want to go back to bed asap.
7.Why do cats like boxes so much? ?
8.Found out that some polishes used on top of each other don't work and throw ugly bubbles.Used the essence fairytale polish with a beautyline cosmetics glitter polish and it immediately started to bubble up.
9.*Sigh* today I craved cola really badly,but I didn't touch it.What a tragic moment!
10.Much love to you readers and followers!!!!



  1. 1.that's great news!! It's happened to me too, my friend told me that her friend in red came to visit her and I was like Who? Do I know him? Sorry, but it's a little silly, we can call it by its name!
    9. just google what you can use cola for and you'll no longer crave it, you'll use it as a cleanser.

  2. Anonymous00:37

    That tortoise peed on you? How ungrateful!

    I didn't know what Tom meant and I certainly have no need to use the term now.

    At least there are leftovers! :D

  3. Helped out a wild tortoise in need.The poor thing got stuck between two flower pots,but she didn't liked to be held,so she peed on me.Thanks a lot >_> I loveeee these posts and you really make me smile haha !!!

  4. @Nat: Yes doll,we must call things by it's name.Menstruation is something natural so why all the fuss and mystery????
    @Tortoises do that...sadly
    @Dyna thanks dollie <3


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