
My current nail polish collection

Hi dollies

Today was clean out time!
I noticed that a few of my polishes had gone bad and gooey,so it was time to say goodbye.Four of my babies had to leave me,because 3 were so gooey that even nail polish thinner couldn't save them and the other one had to go because it stains the nails really bad.
Not included in the picture are all the nail care polishes like hardeners,base coats,top coats,ridge fillers and serums.
Here are the babies <3

A lot of colors are diy mixed,so don't worry about a few weird looking bottles (the last two for example)

How many polishes do you currently have?



  1. I have exactly 20 nail polishes, mostly made in korea. Korean nail polishes are the cheaper option here in Malaysia. *Hugs*

  2. Looks a lot like mine. Only I have a stronger showing in the purples.

    Love watching your nail art fun.

    Hugs, Euphoria

  3. I have NO clue how many I have. I'm afraid to count! I have just a slight problem buying polish everytime I stop by the drug store :) I do probably need to go thru my collection one of these days and toss some of the really old ones!

  4. I have 8 nail polishes xD I feel lame.

    I haven't visited this blog for a long time! I'm sorry. Please don't hate me.

    You rock! :D

  5. @pepper:Most of mine are also very cheap polishes.
    @Lady Euphoria:Purple rocks :)
    @Peach: I know this problem,but I try to resist the temptation
    @Mack: Don't feel lame hun,8 is a great amount.I don't hate you of course!!!!!!You rock too my fancy friend!

  6. nice collection :-)

  7. I agree with the Peach.I'm afraid to count as well.But the yellow one you have, I have it too!And it does an awesome job for 1 euro!
    Filia kai kalo trihmero!

  8. Thank you Nail Crazy
    Ria: Yeah I have quite a few from those no name brands and they rule.

  9. Oooo, eye candies! These ones in the middle(Art Nail) are stripe polishes? The colours look so gorgeous!

  10. Yes my dear they are...Made by lovie.I got a post with swatches somewhere.


Thank you for commenting,I love to read your comments dolls!