
10 things from the last few days

1.This 1 Euro shop in my neighborhood is so great.......I even saw a great purse for 5 Euro,but I didn't purchase it because I don't need a purse right now.

2.The house is still a mess.We thought we won the fight against the mold,but now it is coming from the floor.And as expected the roof is not fixed yet,because the weather is still a bit bipolar and windy.Having handy-mans on the roof with 8 Beaufort and rain is not a good idea.

3.For the first time in my life I feel home-sick to  a degree that I had a little anger issue today towards an object.
Knocked over the ashtray by accident and then kicked a broom.....while saying baaad words like a speed-rapper.

4.Having a mother in law who loves to shop and buys things she never uses is a good thing right now.She gave me a whole collection of hand creams and a thermal water facial spray.

5.Does anyone know the meaning of a cat attacking a crucifix (cross)......Is the cat an atheist?

6.Spotted manhattan cosmetics (a German drug store brand) in a pharmacy for nice prices.

7.Older couples talking about sex is soooo funny.They really made me lol today and that was good,because I hadn't loled in a while.

8.Tomorrow will be a day of hard work,but it will be one step closer to getting the house back in shape.

9.A Greek Politician had a yogurt thrown on him in a tavern I ate a few weeks ago.He is not very popular right now.

10.Being German right now here in Greece is not fun.Greece and Germany have a political conflict and people are so pissed,that they start to get rude towards Germans...
Like it's my fault.....
I am not Mrs.Merkel's daughter >_>


  1. seems like a great week! haha

  2. I really, really, enjoy your posts! They make me laugh :) It brightens my day!

  3. I love your 10 things posts, they are so funny! Yeah, Greeks do the yogurt thing! It's more fun than throwing shoes! lol!

  4. @Deyimizu: :D Yup it was a good week.
    @Lexie: Awwwww <3 That means a lot to me.
    @Natalie:Well Mr Pangalos had a free yogurt facial on the go.


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