
Almond Vanilla Macaroons

Hi dolls

There is no better time for Macaroons than winter,especially this recipe is perfect because it includes winter spices.

You need:
4 egg whites
150 gr sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar or 1 vanilla pod (scrape out the seeds and use them)
200 gr peeled whole unsalted almonds
a dash of: ground ginger,cinnamon,nutmeg,salt
Plastic bag

Lightly toast the almonds in a dry non stick pan until they just start to color.Pulse in the blender until finely ground
Beat the egg whites until they have a fluffy,not yet firm texture.The easiest way is to use an electric mixer.

While mixing gradually add sugar and spices.Keep on beating until the mixture is stiff peak textured and relatively shiny.Fold in the ground almonds,but keep 30-50 gr for sprinkling . Fill the dough in a plastic bag and by snipping off a tiny edge you can make your own little piping bag.
Pipe the dough on an oven tray lined with non stick baking paper.Sprinkle the left over ground almonds all over.
Bake at 180 Degree Celsius (medium high) for 15 min



  1. Anonymous02:03

    hmmmmm ich wollte auch schon immer mal welche machen, hab mich aber noch nicht rangetraut!

  2. Mmm, they look yummy! Always wanted to taste macaroons, so will try to make them! xx

    Thank you for the sweet comment!

    - Tran N //

  3. @Retro: Ist wirklich einfach,nur beim Eier trennen vorsichtig sein.

    @Tran : It is really easy,as long as you separate yolk and egg white properly.


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