
Panettone (Italian yeast cake)..............................Redemption

Hi dolls,
Phew! Finally! After 2 huge panettone fails,I managed to bake this yummy treat.My previous attempts literally blew up (dough had risen too much during the first minutes of baking and half of it ended up on the bottom of my oven).
Then I told myself to screw the traditional Panettone shape (Oversized muffin) and bake it in a normal bread mold.
I used THIS recipe ,but I used real orange and lemon zest and a tablespoon of orange blossom water,because I don't like mixed peel.
And to get rid of some leftover ground almonds,I exchanged 70 gr of flour with the finely ground almonds.Since I did not have enough sultanas,I just added raisins.
In order to give the sultanas (and raisins) a little kick of flavor,I mixed them with 1 teaspoon of rum and let them soak for 10 min.

Thank god this one worked out!
Christmas is over,but who cares :D I can eat Panettone all year around.

What is your favorite Christmas treat,that you could eat all year long?



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