
My wishes for you!

Hi Sweethearts!

2010 is almost over and it has been quite a year for the whole world.
Good changes,bad changes....
It was a good mix of everything.

All you readers and followers,you are awesome!
I really hope that all your wishes,hopes and dreams for 2011 will come true.
Be happy and try to live your life to it's fullest every day.
It might be hard sometimes to keep your head above water,but there is always a tiny little light,even if you feel like it is a really dark hour.

And most importantly : health!!!! Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy 2011.

There will always be this someone who tries to make your life difficult,but don't let that get to you,because you are awesome and you all kick ass!!!!

From the bottom of my heart,I want to thank each of you amazing people!
If you are reading this,feel cuddled and hugged!!
*Goth-huuuuuuuuuuuuugz you all*

Have a safe new years eve and enjoy yourself.

Love you all!!!!!!!!!


  1. Ich wünsche dir ebenfalls ein schönes neues Jahr ;D

  2. Danke <3
    Alles gute auch fuer dich!!

  3. *hugs* I reeeeally want to get a job D: Here's hoping I can find one even though there are none around at the moment :P
    Have a Happy New Year :) xxx

  4. Skelly,I am sure you will find one!
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
    Happy new year,dear! <3

  5. I wish you a very lovely, awesome, great, wonderful, healthy and beautiful New Year sweetie! *hugs*

  6. Awww thx Morrigan <3
    You too,dear! huggies!!!

  7. Your post is so sweet and warm! I wish a very happy new year to you and your loved ones! Health, love, happiness and every dream of yours to come true! <3

  8. Thank you sooo much NatNat!

  9. I wish you a wonderful and happy New Year!


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