
10 things in 2010......


Wow the year is almost over,but I am also very happy that a new year will knock at our doors soon.There has been incredibly good stuff and very bad stuff,but as long as we grow and learn ,it's okay.

1.I managed to eat healthier and make better choices.Well I can't live without an occasional junk food feast.
2.Learned a lot of lessons about life and human kind.It wasn't always a pleasant lesson,but as long as you learn from it for the rest of your life....
3.Finally after so many years in a foreign country,I don't feel like a stranger anymore.
4.My love for food and cooking has grown so strong.
5.Accumulated a lot of make up and nail polishes.....I don't know if that's good or bad.
6.Still didn't quit smoking............But to be honest I don't want to.It's bad and I hate the smell of smoke in my clothes,but a cigarette after a good meal is heaven for me.
7.Found my inner strength.Before,when somebody was talking down to me or being rude,I just bit my tongue because I didn't want any form of disharmony.But swallowing everything is not healthy.One day you feel like you want to explode.And once I decided,that I cannot live like this any longer,I started to talk back.Not everybody liked that,but they were used to talking down to me without getting any negative reaction.Dolls,don't let anybody treat you with disrespect.You don't have to talk back in a disrespectful manner,but you should let them know that nobody is allowed to treat you like this.
8.A lot of questions that were bugging me for years got answered
9.Met a lot of cool people,especially here on Blogger! Wrote 573 posts,read amazing comments,took tons of pictures.Thanks for being such an amazing community of bloggers,followers,readers,trolls and haters XD (Haters are funny!)
10.Finally I got the amazing opportunity to work as a freelance make up artist for a fashion designer and still keep my 'normal' job.You will see end of January/early February

What was your 2010 highlight?Do you have any new years resolution?What is your ultimate dream for 2011?Leave a comment below :)



  1. I like Nr. 3 because I think that´s very important.

    My dream is to have a job that fits me and that I´m happy with in 2011.

  2. Binara,hopefully your wish comes true!!

  3. hey CookingChincillas: I tagged you on a post I just done sweety xxx

  4. Ooookay!Will do it asap
    <3 <3 <3

  5. Nice post! I want no 7 and 10 for me too! Wish you the new year to be even better!!

  6. Awww thanks dear!
    Finding inner strength is not as difficult.You just need a key-moment that makes you want to say :"Ftanei pia!(Enough is Enough!)
    If you want to talk about that,you know where you find me


Thank you for commenting,I love to read your comments dolls!