
Lentil stew

Do you eat lentils?
I just started liking lentils a year ago.Now I love them,because I know now that lentils don't have to be soggy,texture-less things drowned in Vinegar.
There are different types of lentils and I just looove mixing them.

This stew might look weird,but lentils give off that weird grayish color *hhmmpf*

You need :
100 gr small lentils
150 gr small white lentils
3 large carrots (peeled,sliced)
1 stalk of leek (sliced)
2 medium potatoes (randomly diced)
4 Frankfurt type sausages (Franks,sliced)
some chopped parsley
2 liters of vegetable stock
pepper salt

Wash the lentils well and pick out the bad ones.I used lentils that don't need to soak overnight.
Bring the stock to a boil and add all the ingredients.Boil for 20-30 min and season well.If too much water has evaporated,add a little more.
But some people prefer a rather liquid stew and I prefer mine full with lentils and franks and only a little of the gray stock XD

It tasted better the next day.
But yeah,no matter how you arrange it,it always looks kinda bad....



  1. Also ich mag ja Linsensuppe süß viel essig und Zucker bzw Süßstoff :-P Kindheitserinnerungen :-)

  2. Ich kenn sie nur mit Essig aus Deutschland,was auch der Grund war,weshalb ich sie nie gemocht habe :D


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