
Extravagant seductive Gothic Vampire make up [Request]

Hi dolls

My dear reader Jasmine asked for a seductive vampire make up a la Michelle Phan.I personally liked the tutorial Michelle did,but yeah it wasn't Goth enough for my taste.It looked more like a sleep deprived Mall-Goth tutorial to me :D

So here is my version :
Muted purples to get that dead look around the eye,some reds to balance out the smokey black.The eyeliner art is smudgy because after sleeping 100 years in a coffin the make up will probably smudge and crease,right?

Hope you like it dolls :)

Huggies and have a wonderful day



  1. i luv it~~~i like how there are thorns on the eyeliner arts~~~and i think this look is totally gothic vampire worthy~~~~



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