
Spice up your salad (Potatoes)

Hi dollies

My problem with salad is,that I am always hungry again a short time after eating them.So I always add a little something on top to make them more satisfying and filling.
Today I tried potatoes and it was sooooo yummy.

You need:
small potatoes (same size)
2 liters vegetable stock
olive oil
2 cloves of garlic (whole peeled)
fresh dill or parsley

Peel your potatoes and bring the stock to a boil.If you want you can use those instant stock cubes or instant powdered vegetable stock.Season the stock with pepper salt and turmeric.
Boil your potatoes for 15-20 min or until cooked all the way through.
Remove from the water and cut in half.

In a hot pan with 4 tablespoons olive oil,add the garlic and the potatoes.Season again with the powdered spices and keep turning your potatoes until they just start to color.Add some fresh dill to give some freshness to your potatoes.

Remove from the heat and drain the access oil on a paper towel if you like.

Serve on your favorite salad!



  1. i luv potato salads with egg~~~its just soooo yum~~~and it fills you up cuz potato is full of carbohydrates~~~actually i just luv potatoes~yum~~~


  2. I totally agree with you, salads with some carbs and proteins are very tasty and healthy and give you the energy you need. I also like salads with pasta and tuna or pasta and turkey (or bacon but I try to keep it light lol!)

  3. OMG! That just made me salivate! I must cook that NOW!

  4. @Jessy:Potatoes rule!
    @Nat: Well bacon can be ligh when cooked properly and drained on a paper towel.Pasta Salad mhhhhhhh!
    @Laura: It's pretty quick and easy.


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