
Tip of the day : Matte to dewy skin

If you have dry skin or dry patches a foundation with a matte finish will only make the problem look worse and the result is flaky looking foundation.You don't need to go out and buy another foundation.All you need is a alcohol free facial toner.You can either add some toner to a make up sponge (you need 3-4 drops) and start to lightly dab the sponge on your face.Or you can use a little spray/mist bottle and fill it with toner to spritz it on your face.This method even works better,if you use powder to set the foundation first.I am using the supermarket brand toner,which comes in 'sensitive' and 'normal'.They cost like 1,95 for a quite large bottle.Just make sure there is no alcohol and the toner is not a 'anti-spot-acne-zit' type.

1 comment:

  1. Great tip, thanks! I prefer the dewy finish than a matte powdery one.


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