
Tip of the day: Make up remover economy

These days with primers,waterproof make up,bases and long lasting formulas it can be difficult to remove your make up.And good make up removers and wipes can cost a lot of money.To make your remover last you longer,just follow this easy step.Take a spray/mist bottle and fill it with 200 ml water and add a teaspoon of olive oil.Shake well and mist your face with it.To make the oil and water mix better,you can add a metal/stone/heavy bead.The water and the oil will break down the make up and they make it easier to remove all the stuff.Now you will use less make up remover because most of your make up has started to 'melt'.


  1. Great tips! I always used olive oil as it is. I think mixing it with water will make it much easier to use.

  2. Very interesting tip! You always have the greatest tips to share with us!

  3. Thanks for adding me on facebook sweety, it'd be easier for me to follow your blog now :) Sounds like a great tip. It wouldn't irritate my eyes or anything, right?

  4. :) Yay for facebook
    The water olive oil mix doesn't irritate the eyes at all.


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