
Images that are not pretty........

Hi dolls,

We spend all day at the house to get a few steps closer to moving back in.
The mold on the walls and ceilings is dead,but the stupid water even got in our storage closets and the mold there was bad.But thank god for chemicals,which killed the mold and it's awful smell quickly.

And the handy man will bring the material he needs to build and isolate the roof  to the house this weekend.
This means he will start soon,because the weather seems to be stable.
Funnily while we were driving to our house the radio played the song "Coming Home" from Puff Daddy/P.Diddy
And as much as I dislike the song,it brought major tears into my eyes.

We even thought about staying at the house despite the fact that the electricity is still wet.But that was a stupid idea......a product of wishful thinking,homesickness and the fact that the human being needs a long time to realize how bad it really is.

Once the roof is fixed,the cables can dry and I can finally paint the house.

It's really emotional,because we really miss home.
Even when I took a picture for a review I started tearing up,because the place we are currently staying at is making me sad by all means.
The picture was so perfect compared to the pictures I am  taking here in Athens....and most importantly it felt so good to be back at my balcony.

But I decided that all the crying and complaining doesn't bring me any further.So I just picked up my cleaning gear and made the bathroom look like a bathroom again.

So here are some pictures

One thing is for sure:
Giving up and drowning in self pity is lame!
With every tragedy we learn things and we grow.



  1. Thank you very much! Haha now you know the Swedish word for makeup. ;)

  2. Awesome! :D You are good. ;)
    Where do you live, sry I forgot. (A)

  3. Wow! I can't even imagine what you are going through. It looks like you guys sustained a lot of damage. But you are making it through this. I'm sure you will be back at home in no time. Hang in there!

  4. Yeah,the damage is pretty big.Every ceiling looks like this.But with a lot of work,bleach,elbow grease the house will be back to normal.
    Thanks my dear

  5. go girl, you'll survive this :-D

  6. I read the weather will be warmer the following days, I hope it'll help you with fixing your lovely house! Hang in there, everything will be okay sooner than you think and all this will look like a bad dream. :) Huggies <3<3

  7. Thanks for the support lovely dollies <3


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