
10 things

1.Did you ever beat up a phone? Well,our phone was randomly not working.So I started pressing random more buttons.......nothing.....screaming at the phone......nothing......slapping the buttons.....Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
2.The supermarket had a fabulous offer today: 68 cents for my favorite cookies.....*munch*
3.Animals are such a blessing!
4.Doing a fabulous product swap with a fabulous cyber friend!
5.I think I might have purchased a faulty nail polish it won't dry.I applied it this morning in order to do nail art later,but the polish is still slips and slides.It was on sale,so maybe it was expired.
6.Sometimes I wish for a 'shut up already' button on facebook.Especially for those people who try to be something they are not.It's weird how different they behave on fb than in real life.
7.Disgusting lady in the supermarket: While I was walking down the isles I was browsing the sweets,looking down my eyes caught something I probably won't forget the next few days.A lady in her 50's bending down exposing her buttock.Struggling not to loose my eye sight or die of uber-disgust she stands up straight and scratches it too.
8.Brioche with Nutella+Smarties in the Sandwich maker= YUMMMMMMMM
9.Kira is now vaccinated and flea free
10.Sopor Aeternus is almost the only band I listened to the last few days.The genious Anna Varney Cantodea has inspired me in such a intense way.It is indeed music for the "dead children and otherwise wounded souls" (Cantodea stated that)
Her fragile voice and the way she describes things in this amazing metaphoric way.


  1. 1.Sure. In order not to beat up the person who made me so angry!
    4.:D and ewww!! and lol again!
    8.Ohhh, nutella... I think I'll make some pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. With nutella of course!

  2. Yay for Kira being flea free! Yes, pets are such blessings! Hmmmm....Nutella and Smarties, an interesting combination! And yes, Facebook need a "shut up already" button!

  3. @Natalie: Pancakes <3 <3 <3
    @ Peach thanks for stopping by


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