
Gosh Velvet Touch Foundation Primer Review

Achtung Achtung Alarm! Holy Graaaail!

Dolls,imagine this:
A slightly crazy Goth woman in a fancy beauty store......Squeezes a tiny amount of a product on the back of her hand.....of course she has no control over her brain and mouth,so her thoughts just slip out of her mouth by accident: " Holy f*%&^#@  ,this is amazing.Dios mio,sweeeeeeeet!" And then she touches the back of her hand and gets this Gollum-ish look on her face...Everybody starts looking But she was so enchanted by the feeling of sexy sumptuous softness....She sees the price....."Jesus nooo,nooo (and various colorful words)"....And in her head she throws herself on the ground "I am dooomed"
So she walks home touching the swatch over and over :" Omg this is soooo soooooft"........

This scenario happened 2 times.And the third time I walked in the store,I didn't care anymore about the price.I just wanted this stuff,because it feels amazing.

Tataaaa I present to you my new holy grail,best friend and secret weapon :
The Gosh Velvet touch foundation primer 

Packaging: The GVTFP comes in a matte blurry plastic squeezy tube.The cap a black twist off.It contains 35 ml /1.2 fl oz it is made in Denmark and can be used for 12 months.

Product: The primer is a clear gel that has no scent what so ever.It first feels like a piece of soft butter,which turns into pure velvet on the skin once you spread it.

What it promises: :"The perfect base for all makeup.The colorless formula fills fine lines and deep pores in the skin,creating a uniform,matt and unique silky soft surface,enabling the easy and smooth application of foundation.The primer can be used after daily moisturizer or on clean skin.Contains Aloe Vera and is without preservatives and perfume"
(Source: Tube)

My 2 cents: Where shall I start??? It keeps all it's promises,it makes the skin feel so amazingly soft and I don't want to live another day without it.(Am I being too excited??Naaah it's true love)

I used different primers from cheap to high end.And there was none,that worked so well for me.
Especially when you have dry skin or flaky skin,this stuff does miracles,because it makes the dry patches disappear.The fine lines on my forehead are invisible,when I wear the primer.
Even with a very rich moisturizer,that leaves the skin super shiny,the primer works like a charm.
It didn't make me break out and I don't get that 'mask' feeling,when I wear it.

Just for fun I tried it with mineral make up and the result left me speechless.The coastal scents mineral foundation usually needs a lot of blending and buffing.Not with the GVTFP!
It is too good to be true!
And to make it even better,it gives the skin a nice moisture boost and makes the make up last all day.

I am not sure if it is meant to be put under the eyes,but I did it anyway.Even the concealer that is a bit on the creamy/creasing side behaved and finally stayed in place.

A pea sized amount is enough for the face and neck.

And this baby even passed the boyfriend test.I put it on my face and asked him to touch it.
The response :" What did you do to your face?????? Did you get a facial???? OMG like a soft peach"

-Soft velvety goodness
-works for all foundation
-makes foundation last a lot longer
-no slipping/fading/creasing of make up
-works with very rich moisturizers
-no scent
-very efficient (a little bit will go a looong way)
-doesn't irritate the skin
-fine lines fade,pores become almost invisible

-Price 23 Euros.It is a lot,but hey for this heavenly stuff it's worth each cent

Love this stuff to death.I am actually looking forward to putting it on the days I wear make up,because it feels so soft.Gosh Velvet touch primer will be a part of my permanent make up collection.And of course it will be re-purchased.

Do you have a holy grail product,that you love this way?Did you ever have some kind of unexplainable feelings for a product?
Or do you think that I am totally out of my mind??? xD :D *LOL*

Huggies and Velvet

Gimme Velvet touch!!!

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