
Jewelery Haul

Hi dolls

I rarely buy jewelery myself,because I don't like shopping for it.But after 3 years of not buying anything myself,I thought it was time to change.
Looking for earrings,that you don't have to take off at night is difficult after all.
After looking through tons of jewelery shops,there was not any piece I liked.On my way home I came by a studio of a Goldsmith.And there they were! Perfect little Gothic cross earrings made out of Titanium with a little bling bling.The piece that goes through the ear is not too long,so I can wear them to sleep.
The ring was a whole different story.My hands are already occupied with 5 silver rings.Each ring has a meaning or it came from a person I am close to.So I was looking for a huge ring,that I can put on for a night out.Fashion jewelery was the answer!In a random clothing shop they had a display with huge rings with black stones.So I took the most Goth-Looking,payed 5 Euro and bye bye random clothes shop.

The earrings are great,I love them and they work soo great for sleeping.
Supporting small local businesses definitely payed off.Great quality and a great price..



  1. mir gefällt der ring sehr, obwohl ich eigentlich keine großen ringe mag^^ kaufe mir auch selten schmuck, viel zu anstrengend xD (jedenfalls teuren)

  2. Hihi,Ja Schmuck kaufen ist fuuurchtbar.
    Schoenen Tag noch ;)

  3. Love the earrings! Those are awesome! And the ring is very unique!


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