
Cute,easy and Funny Nail design

Hi Huns :)

How are you doing today?
I hope you are all doing great!

I needed a break from Nail art and my nails needed a break.So I was wearing nothing on my nails for a few days,so they can get some oxygen and pampering.

So yesterday I did a full nail routine:
-Deep cleansing
-nail oils and creams

And then my partner inspired me while we were chatting on skype.Skype has those hilarious emoticons/smileys that just brighten your day.

So smileys it is :D

The background is a pastel lilac,with deep lilac stripes and then I did the faces with a dotting tool.
Their eyes and mouths were done with a nail art pen after the whole thing dried.
And then I needed some fun random dots (as usual)
Every nail has a different expression,but I like the ring finger the most.

Today during work I had a little "I am giggling on my own and nobody around me knows why" session.Then I shew the nails to them and they were all giggling.

Now I ended up painting those faces on lighters,pens,mobile phones,so everybody can have their giggle.



  1. How fun! You did a great job on this nail art! I wouldn't even know where to start, then I'd probably screw it up! :)

  2. Peachy,it is easy!
    Just placing dots.The mouth is the tricky part.And a DIY dotting tool can be made from bobby pins,old pens,knitting needles etc <3

  3. Wow, this looks so cute. I really like it! But i don't have a good hand for such beautifull Naildesigns :D

  4. Thank you dear! If you write or draw on paper before doing nail art,your hands will be very steady.I have shaky hands too.
    <3 Thx for stopping by


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