
Bye Betty

Betty is gone now....The doctor said,that she had to make it through the night.She got antibiotics and I was told to inject her with NA CL solution to keep her hydrated.Also we had to keep her warm because her temperature dropped rapidly to hypothermia.
When she suddenly started having spasms I knew it was time to tell her I love her.
She rolled up and fell asleep

Thats her 2 days ago.Damn that came so suddenly.
But Love never dies <3


  1. Sorry about this. My dog died 7 years ago and he was a part of the family. So I totally relate to what you're feeling xxx

  2. Thank you Dyna.Bless your dog <3

  3. Anonymous22:06

    oh neiiiin, ich bin jetzt ganz traurig :((((((( das arme kleine ding.... aber ich bin froh dass du für sie da warst, das hat sie sicher acuh gemerkt... so wars besser als wenn sie draußen und allein gewesen wäre...... :,((((

  4. Sorry for your loss ): Hope you're okay xxx

  5. I´m so sorry. I almost cried when I read this...


  6. Thank you Ladies <3
    *Hugz u all*

    I still didn't really realize what happened.We had a blast together and seeing her cheeky little face every morning just brightened my day.

  7. I know how you feel now :( I am so sorry ...

  8. Oh so sorry for your loss :( It is so hard to lose pets. And your right, love never dies.

  9. I teared up and would have cried if I wasn't at school :( She looks so much like my little Sita, I don't know what I would do if it happened to one of my little furballs! I send you lots of hugs and love!

  10. I'm so sorry... I've been there, I feel for you. She'll live on in your memories. She was beautiful.

  11. Thank you guys.That really means a lot.

  12. Losing beloved pets is such a terrible thing :(

  13. I'm so sorry :( I'm moving soon and I'm going to miss my cats so so much, this must be just horrible. :(


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