
Rustic autumn stew with cauliflower and pumpkin


German cuisine features a lot of Eintopf which literally means "One-Pot".In other words,we like to throw a lot of different things in one pot and either make a gravy or a broth with it.
In my case it is a broth.Usually I don't use bought chicken or vegetable stock,but I ran out of homemade stock.So I used those cubes with instant broth.

You need:
400 gr diced pumpkin
1/2 head cauliflower (just use your hands to pick the flowers apart)
3 carrots (sliced)
1 stalk leek (sliced)
1/4 head white cabbage
1 onion (sliced)
3 Frankfurt type sausages *Franks* (sliced)
some mixed vegetables of your choice ( 1 cup approx)
1 red bell pepper
some chopped fresh parsley1-2 small pieces celery root
pepper salt
100 ml heavy cream
instant vegetable stock cubes (I used 3 1/2)

Simply throw all the veggies in your big pot,add water until they are covered,add the franks and the instant stock cubes.Bring to a boil and boil for 15-20 min.Add more water if needed.Season,add parsley and cream and then bring to a boil again and enjoy.


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