
Quick pasta with mixed vegetables


This recipe won't have any measurements because it is a freestyle recipe.
Working with what you got.And I had Tex-Mex style mixed frozen veggies,ham and white cabbage.
I boiled the pasta and the veggies in separate pots and after draining the veggies I added some ham,parsley,Pecorino and vegetable based heavy cream.Pepper,Salt and Nutmeg to finish off the dish.
To make it healthier I used whole grain pasta which cooks in 9 minutes.

It was delicious and felt good in the tummy.

Frozen veggies can sometimes contain even more Vitamins than fresh vegetables,because they are flash frozen on their location of origin.Fresh veggies often travel long ways and the vitamin content decreases due to sun light,heat and time.



(Edit : Something seems to be wrong with the picture upload,I will post a pic asap)

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