
Picture uploading difficulties

Hi Guys and fellow bloggers,

Am I the only one experiencing extreme difficulties while uploading a picture?
My difficulties are:
-Refusing to upload a picture
-loooong upload time
-once the picture is uploaded the 'add selected' button is not click-able

Please let me know if you are experiencing something similar.
I would really apprechiate that



  1. Anonymous19:53

    ja ist beim mir seit kurzer zeit auch so. total nervig. ich lade die bilder jetzt im direct in das picasa webalbum, wo die ja gespeichert werden, und hole die dann von dort. das geht komischerweise total schnell, obwohl es ja der gleiche speicherort ist..

  2. It's happening to me! I just thought it was something to do with my internet connection. Guess not it looks like it's just buggy. I wonder if Blogger knows about this and is trying to fix it? Pictures take ages to upload even it's just 1kb lol. x

  3. Thx ladies <3

    Retrokitten: Danke fuer den Tip


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