
Pet Peeves?


Do you have any funny pet peeves? I do.
A lot actually.....I also had shared some of those......But the list is looong.
- I have a special cup that nobody is allowed to drink of.My previous holy cup was used while I was sleeping.And the next morning I didn't want to drink tea out of it.
-The first 5 minutes of the day are only mine.If somebody talks to me or asks stuff that require thinking,my day is ruined.
-When somebody is continuously sniffing next to me especially during the flu/cold season,I usually take my imaginary axe and ___________ (Insert bad bad stuff there)
-You can bring be to my personal boiling point in 5 seconds if you pinch my cheeks
-I don't like to share my favorite things in the world : Gunpowder tea,chocolate and Nutella.This is the only occasion you might call me the B-word. I hide my Gunpowder tea from the public eye in an empty rice jar.
-Before I leave the house I check 2-3 times if I have the keys.
-Rituals and daily routines are important for me...especially bed time.
-It is rare that I love a Movie.There are like 5 movies that I really really like........And it is hard to excite me with a movie.
-The ultimate pet peeve is when I see other people touching my food with their hands.It is okay for friends and family,but everybody else will receive the evil eye or a raised eyebrow.......

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