
Happy Birthday CONTEST

Hi Lovies<3

One year ago this day I made a Lemon Meringue pie and I wanted to share the recipe.First I wanted to make a website,but then I came across blogger.Till now over 10000 people have visited this blog,some of them became followers,some of them left me a comment and most importantly all of them have a special place in my heart.

So for this special occasion I wanted to give something back to you.
This contest is going to be an "Enter Me" contest.
The prize is fabulous!!!!!!! 1 Lovie Palette with 5 stunning colors,1 Palette with 8 metallic eyeshadows and 2 lip colors and a really cool shimmer nail polish.

The rules are :
1.You have to be/become a follower (new followers can also participate of course)
2.You have to be 18 (If you are not 18 I need a statement from your parents via email that it is okay for them)
3.Leave a comment with the words "Enter Me and your email address" or send me an email with your nickname so I can check if you are a follower.(

The contest will be INTERNATIONAL !

The contest will close October 31st!!!!!!
The winner will be determined via a randomize website.

Huggies and Loooooove <3

Edit : Added one little thing ,so minors can participate


  1. *Sniff* I'm only 14! :'( Sad day.

  2. If you wanna participate,I need a statement from your parents that it is ok for them. :)

  3. YAY! Thanks! :D

  4. Anonymous12:48

    hmmmm ioch will auch :D nachdem du so von lovie geschwärmt hast.

    so please "enter me" oder was muss ich schreiben? :)

  5. You have entered the contest !!!

  6. Enter me please :)


    Danke :)

  7. enter me pleaaase :D at !!

    xxx !

  8. NatalieDouka14:23

    Hi! I follow you with GFC and bloglovin. Enter me please! My email is nataliedouka at hotmail dot com.


Thank you for commenting,I love to read your comments dolls!