
Quick noodle soup


This soup will take 7-10 minutes to prepare.

You need :
500 ml vegetable stock
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 sachet white Miso paste(shiromiso)
1 carrot
1/2 red bell pepper
2 portions of dried noodles (I used whole grain Asian noodles)
pepper salt olive oil
some dill and parsley

Put the carrot,the bell pepper,the dill and the parsley in a blender.With 2-3 impulses the blender finely chops the veggies and herbs for you.Bring the vegetable stock to a boil,add the veggies,add the soy sauce,add the miso paste and then finally add the noodles and let them boil in the soup until they are done.Asian noodles usually cook very quick.At the end add a teaspoon of olive oil and season with pepper and salt if needed.

That was quick wasn't it?


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