
Stuffed mushrooms Greek style

Geia sas! (that is Greek and means Hello )

When I made those mushrooms I thought it was just an experiment.But oh boy this experiment turned out sooo yummy.The mushrooms are stuffed with cream cheese,feta and a selection of herbs native to the Greek Cuisine.
You will need a mortar and a pestle.

You need
200 gr button mushrooms (medium sixe),remove the stem by gently twisting it
100 gr cream cheese
50 gr feta (crumbled)
1 teaspoon finely chopped parsley
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped dill
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped oregano
a bit rosemary
a bit thyme
1 clove of garlic (finely chopped)
1 tablespoon olive oil
pepper salt
3 cherry tomatoes (remove seeds,slice into thin slices)

Wash the mushrooms to remove any dirt or sand.
In your mortar you crush the garlic,the oregano,the parsley the dill,the rosemary and the thyme with olive oil.Then add the feta and the cream cheese and start mixing.Season well!
Fill your mushrooms with a spoon and place one slice of cherry tomato on top.
Bake/Barbecue for 7-10 min and serve on a salad.


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