
spaghetti aglio olio e alio


Celebrating the glory of olive oil and garlic.This is what I consider fast food,because you just need one pan to cook and if you buy fresh Spaghetti, it will take like 7 min.I also like to add small tomatoes to the dish to cool down the garlic a bit.

You need :
1 portion of boiled spaghetti (I used fresh whole grain spaghetti)
1 clove of garlic (super finely chopped)
2 -3 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley
5-6 cherry tomatoes (each cut into 4 wedges)
3-5 tablespoons of olive oil
(grated cheese if you like)
pepper salt

Once the spaghetti are boiled,drain them and set aside.In the same pot heat the olive oil and add garlic,salt,pepper and half of the parsley.Fry for 1 min.Add the spaghetti.Mix well.
Remove from the fire and add the rest of the parsley and the tomatoes.



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