
Greek Bifteki with an Italian twist


Applebees has this nice burger with basil pesto,tomato and ciabatta bread.Well I love this burger to death,but I am not a big fan of eating bread with a regular meal.It is not that I avoid carbs,but I prefer to eat more veggies or salad with my meal.And bread makes me feel full easy.

For 5 Bifteki you need:
500 gr minced beef (I used a lovely french beef that is very juicy and has the right price)
1 shallot (superfinely chopped )
1-2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
4 tablespoons fresh basil (chopped)
1/2 teaspoon fresh oregano (chopped)
1 tablespoon tomato puree

olive oil

Lets start!
You should start preparing the minced meat some hours before you actually want to cook it.So the flavors can develop and the Bifteki becomes more tasty.
Simply mix all the ingredients,season and shape little Biftekia.Any size and shape will be fine.
Rub each Bifteki with a little olive oil and place them in the fridge for some hours.

pan fry or barbecue them until they have your desired color.


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