
Gnocchi with a creamy sauce of asparagus and spinach


This dish is one of my favorites of all time.I love asparagus very much and if I could find it more often,I would probably eat it every day.

You need
2 portions of fresh Gnocchi di patate (boiled)
1 spring onion (sliced)
5 asparagus "sticks" *lol* (peeled and cut into chunks)
a good hand full of baby spinach
5 strips of smoked bacon (chop it up)
1 carrot (diced)
the juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tablespoon cream cheese
100-150 ml cream
pepper salt,olive oil

Put the asparagus chunks and the carrot dice in a saucepan and cover them with water.Add the lime juice,bring to a boil and simmer for 12-15 min.Drain.
In another saucepan saute the bacon and the spring onion in some olive oil until the bacon has some light golden color.Add the spinach,the asparagus and carrots and saute again.Add the cream cheese,the cream and some olive oil and season well.

Mix with the boiled Gnocchi.


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