
Angry Food?????

Hola! Wenas!

I bought cottage cheese instead of cream cheese by accident.Bummer!!!
Then I had the most stressful day of my life.Before I reached my personal boiling point,I decided it is better to go into the kitchen and cool of a little.
On my fridge there is a Gordon Ramsay Quote :" Put that emotion in the food, because it's so much more rewarding down the line." So I did *LOL*
I decided to make an angry Salsa Dip for my incredibly hot nachos.

You need
150 gr cottage cheese
1 spring onion (sliced)
1 red bell pepper (diced)
3 cherry tomatoes (diced)
the juice of 1/2 lime
diced Jalapenos (I used 5 slices pickled Jalapenos)
1/2 chilli pepper (de-seeded,thinly sliced)
1/2 teaspoon of honey
1/2 clove garlic (finely chopped)
pepper salt

Mix together,stir,season-done!

Hasta Luego!


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