
Asian style pork and veggies


I think I have said that before: I don't dare to say that my recipes are authentic Asian/Indian food.
Asian food is great and even the Chinese Take away can be very inspiring for me.

I was given a real wok some days ago and I tested it already.So today I wanted to try to fry and then later boil in it.It worked like a charm and it was difficult not to steal from the plate while I was taking the pics for you guys.
You can be very creative in your choice of vegetables.You can even do it without meat.And a wok is not needed.

You need
2 pork neck steak (cut in stripes)
2 spring onions (sliced)
1 eggplant (diced)
2 carrots (julienne)
2 bell peppers (orange or red,cut in stripes)
beans (green beans or kidney beans)
-any veg of your choice,I had those in my fridge
1/2 mango (small diced)
2 slices of fresh pineapple (diced)
1 teaspoon freshly chopped cilantro
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 sachet miso soup

peanut oil,water

In your pan/wok let 2 tablespoons of peanut oil get very hot and fry the meat while stirring for 3 min.
Now add all the fruit and veg and add 1-2 cups of water.Add honey,vinegar,soy sauce and let the mix boil for 10 min.Add the miso soup and season.Let the mix boil until the veggies are cooked to your taste.
At the end add the cilantro and season if needed.

This goes great with rice and noodles.


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