
Mediterranean Potatoes

Geia sas! (This means hello in Greek)

Greece is all about flavors,herbs and rustic down to earth food.
This recipe is inspired by my garden,which smells soo nice in springtime.
You can literally smell the Rosemary !!!!
So it is essential for this recipe to have fresh fresh fresh herbs!!!

You need:
5 small potatoes with edible skin
a twig of :Rosemary,Oregano and Thyme
One clove garlic
The juice of 1/2 lemon
6-7 tablespoons of extra virgin Olive Oil. (Always buy the extra virgin one!)

Turn on that Sirtaki Music ( ) and wear your Greek Flag apron!
Put your potatoes into a large boiling pan,cover them with water and bring them to a boil.Add the lemon juice and season the water with salt.
Let your potatoes boil for 15-25 min (depending on size)
To check if the potatoes are done,stick a knife into the potato and lift the potato a bit.If the potato easily slips back into the water,it is done.If it is still hard on the inside,it won't slip off the knife that easy.
Once they are done,cut each potato into four wedges.
In a frying pan let the olive oil get warm and add the whole garlic and the herb-twigs.
Once the oil is hot,add the potatoes and fry them until they are golden brown.
During frying make sure you remove the herb-twigs once they start burning.
Season with sea salt and pepper.
Optional: You can also add some carrots to the boiling potatoes.It tastes great!
Done !


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