
Choc Shock

Warning!If you can't handle a 200% dose of chocolate,leave this recipe alone.
*LOL* Seriously, I am a chocolate lover.I am not one of those chocolate gourmets.I eat,breathe and live chocolate.Eating a piece of dark chocolate with a high cacao percentage is actually very good for the heart.
This recipe requires a lot of stirring,so wear your sports outfit under your apron.

You need :
100 gr dark chocolate (chopped)
500 ml milk
1/2 vanilla pod
50 ml cream
5 tablespoons sugar
2 drops orange liquor
1/4 teaspoon cognac
40 gr corn starch/corn flour
1 tablespoon Nutella
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
a tiny pinch of salt

Mix milk,sugar and Nutella in a large saucepan.Slowly bring it to a boil.
Scratch out the vanilla "stuff" from the vanilla pod and add it to the milk.
Keep on stirring!!!!!
Mix in the cocoa powder and the rest of the ingredients except the corn starch.
Let the chocolate melt and keep stirring.

Put the corn starch in a mug and add some of the hot mixture.
Stir with a fork until there are no more lumps.
Pour the corn starch mix in the saucepan and stir constantly.
Don't pour it all at once,so you can reach the desired texture of the choc shock.
Let it come to a boil.
And remove it from the stove.

Now stir for 2-3 min and serve with a slice of orange.

Huggies and happy choc shock~!


  1. This looks delish! Sounds like the recipe requires a pretty good arm workout! Which is why one shouldn't feel bad about eating it right?! :)

  2. Yes haha you are right!
    Thanks for commenting


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