

Meatballs are fun!
You can get creative with different ingredients.
Today I read about a honey glazed Sunday Roast pork,but I didn't have any pork.....only ground beef.
So I took the risk.
The result was perfect!

You need:
500 gr ground beef
2 small shallots (chopped finely)
4 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 tablespoon breadcrumbs
1 teaspoon sweet paprika spice
Salt or Lemon Garlic Salt
Margarine to fry

Mix all the ingredients with your hand and season the meatballs well.If the dough is too soft,add more breadcrumbs.
Those meatballs don't need egg.The honey does the same job.
Roll little meatballs.
Let 4-5 teaspoons margarine get hot and fry the meatballs in it until they have your desired color.I prefer mine not too dark.
If you want,you can use the margarine for a sauce or simply drizzle it over some boiled veggies.



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