
Vegetarian Eggless Cookies


Dolls,you can't imagine how good this baking session felt!
We are officially back to cooking and baking.

These cookies are for the nice builders that are fixing our roof.They are really good people...and as you might know,I show my gratitude with food gestures.To my surprise the dough beats the basic cookie dough recipe I use,because the texture of the final cookie is finer,and somehow closer to those fancy cookies you can buy from a patisserie.

You need:
220 gr margarine (butter flavored margarine is even better)
130 gr icing sugar (sifted )
250 gr flour (sifted)
50 gr corn flour
the juice of an orange or lemon (I used orange),You may need more,so buy 2 oranges
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
a dash of salt
200 gr chocolate of your choice (I used 75% cocoa dark chocolate)
a piping bag or a sturdy plastic bag with

Soften the margarine by stirring it,add icing sugar,vanilla extract and salt.Beat with the electric mixer until fluffy.Now slooowly add the juice and beat again ,then you gradually add the corn flour mixed with the flour.
If the dough is too stiff (It has to be piped),add more orange juice.
Take a small amount of dough and put it in the piping bag to check if it is pipe-able.If not,add more juice.
If you don't have a piping bag,just take a freezer bag,fill it with dough and snip off a tiny edge on the bottom.
But be careful: The dough should not be too runny.
Line a baking tray with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 190*Celsius/Medium high heat.
Pipe the dough onto the parchment paper and create any shape you like.
Bake for 10-15 min with no air !!

Let the cookies cool for 2 hours
Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in the microwave and decorate the cookies.


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