
All I want for christmas is............

Hi Dolls,

I am not a Christmas person.I never could wrap my head around all the stress and nervousness people seem to get.And of course it is all about gifts for everybody.Wait wasn't Christmas to be the time of the year to do something good?

People seem to remember starving children in Africa(and many other charities) only around this time of the year.
It seems like everybody tries to send his donation as far as possible around the globe.
But what about the Homeless guy,you see everyday going to work???
Doing something good doesn't mean you have to spend a lot of money.A hot cup of  tea for a homeless guy paired with some friendly words is actually a lot!
Giving him a pair of gloves (2-3 Euros) can change something.

Please people,don't look away!



  1. A little kindness definitey goes a long way! You are so right that this is supposed to be a fun time of the year, not a stressful one! I don't stress about it. I try to just enjoy the season. If I don't find the perfect gifts or have a perfectly decorated tree, it is no big deal to me. It's the thought that counts. Sometimes doing something nice for someone is so much better!

  2. Yes,Peach you are right.There are more important things than perfection on x-mas


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