
10 thingies

1.Now I know why the toilets back in my kindergarten days had funny little stickers inside the bowl.So the boys could aim.I guess I should do that too.>_> Whenever we have male guests over I need to deep clean the bathroom ffs.
2.Had a huge hamburger with fries today and now I am hungry again.Naaah,not gonna eat more crap today.Still have plenty of apples.
3.Today is nail care&art day.
4.The whole night I was thinking about a desert I had when I was in the US.So I was searching on google:" Burned Alaska" ,"Melted Alaska","Frozen Alaska" ??????? Wait or was it Canada?? Then I realized that it was Baked Alaska.D'oh! And then I noticed my IQ dropping............
5.Abscess has been pwnt! 1:0 for me I guess :D
6.The Apivita lip care thing has lost all it's magic.C'mon my lipgloss is more moisturizing!
7.Gonna watch an episode of Ugly Betty.*Sniff* I miss her soo much.At least "Wilhelmina Slater" plays on desperate housewives now.And she does a fantastic job.
8.The next extreme animal lover (they usually belong to some organizations),who gets all mad about the title 'cooking Chinchillas' will get slapped in the face by a chinchilla.Jeez! "It's so sad that you eat those creatures boohoo" .Yeah that's why I have a huge picture of a chinchilla holding a pan.
9.Even the Alverde Shampoo and Conditioner are enemies of mine now.I should just stick to my routine and stop experimenting with random shampoos.
10.Now I'll have a huge cup of tea and to get in the right mood for nail art


  1. Hahahaha! Got a good laugh over #1! And the infamouse Baked Alaska :) I can't believe people get mad about your title! It caught me off guard at first, but once you see the picture, you get the point! Hope the nail art goes well!

  2. Haha yeah,it was funny.
    Nail art went really well.Nothing special though.An ornament on a glitter background with a heart-shaped rhinestone.
    Have a great day hun

  3. How can they notice the title but not the huge picture next to it? lol some people are so dense.

  4. Well the mail shew,that this person didn't even bother looking at this site.
    :D Whatever,it's actually very funny

  5. *lol* funny, I never thought about "Cooking Chinchilla" in that way :)

  6. Binara,me neither :D After the first temper tantrum of a random uber protective animal lover,I realized that it can be misinterpreted.But that's okay.
    Thanks for stopping by!!


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