
Purple Eye Make up (FAIL)

Uhm yeah!
What can I say?.....I was extremely irritated and tried to do my make up.
I guess I'll just tell you how many things went wroooong.
1.Loose purple pigment on my right cheek.(Forgot to tap the excess off)
2.Forgot to prime the eye.
3.While blending the phone rang......So I kept blending without a mirror.That was not so smart.

So I cleaned up all the purple mess around my eyes,put foundation on and checked the mirror.
I look like Jackie Chan and Karate Kid formed and alliance and punched me in the eyes 600 times.

Well from mistakes we can learn.......



  1. Don't be so hard on yourself!
    I really love this look you put together! Great color combo! Also love the super sharp liner. :))

  2. Well I really didn't like it,because the fall out pigment and purple nose contour-accident with the blending brush really looked so hilarious.
    But thanks that's so kind.
    Have a nice day


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