
Homemade Energy Drink

We are all tired once in a while or need that extra kick of energy.Well when I consume an energy drink from the shop I will be hyperactive,irritated and not able to sleep.
So I experimented a bit.
The recipe I came up with is natural and it doesn't make you hyperactive,yet it makes you feel awake and energized.
You need :
5 teabags organic Green tea
1 teabag  sage tea
1 teabag anise tea
1 teabag lemongrass tea
1 teaspoon freshly ground ginger
1 organic lemon (juiced )
2-3 lemon slices
1 tablespoon corn syrup/glucose syrup
1,5 liter mineral water (not the carbonated one!)
2 tablespoons honey or sugar (if you prefer it sweeter,you may take more)
a tiny tiny tiny pinch of salt

Tie all the teabags together to make the handling easier.
In a small saucepan bring a half liter of mineral water to a boil and while it is boiling add the ginger,the glucose syrup and all the teabags.(When boiling Green tea for 1-2 minutes you maximize the caffeine levels in the green tea).Let it boil for 1 min and remove it from the fire.Now add lemon juice,slices,salt, and honey.
Let it steep for 8 minutes.
Now filter the mixture.
Add it to the 1 liter of mineral water and adjust the sweetening if needed.
Chill and enjoy.


On the internet you find all sorts of dangerous recipes for homemade energy drinks that use minerals,vitamines and caffeine.I think that it is very dangerous to 'play' with extracts of powerful herbs like ginseng and caffeine.

Warning : If you are sensitive to caffeine,don't let the Green tea boil for 1 minute.
I am not responsible for any unwanted reactions or allergies.

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